Here Are A Few Things I Learned About Options

Investing with Options with Steven Place. He is an excellent teacher and his chat room is full of great option traders.

Steve's YouTube videos

Bruce with Simpler Options recently did some great seminars.
The calendar, butterfly and iron condor classes each have complete strategies with adjustments.
It looks like these are old seminars but you are actually buying a video and PDF download.

Boring income trades

Boring income trades level 2

Income butterfly strategies (3:26:01 and 81 slides)

Income calendar strategies (2:46:25 and 138 slides)

Beginners guide to the Greeks (3:40:58 and 149 slides) link soon

Beginners guide to iron condors (2:46:32 and 145 slides)

Intermediate guide to (weekly) calendars (2:33:36 and 114 slides)

High probability iron condors for small accounts

Bruce's income advisory service

They are starting to get these all on one page but the price is different. It looks like these are DVDs instead of downloadable files. Use the cheaper links while they still work.

Another good outfit is Top Gun Options. The yearly bundle is a good deal and is sometimes on sale.
I am with them and doing well. As always, be careful with weeklies and earnings trades. Paper trade them for a while then start off small.
Top Gun Options

Free Stuff!

An excellent four part video on credit spreads by Marc and Kevin. Very good stuff.

The OIC has 28 free courses, free tools and other information

The CBOE does charge for some content but these tutorials are free

OptionMonster has free courses and a free paper trading account

OptionMonster also has 369 free seminars

TradeStation has free seminars

Get a free option strategy book from the CME

Free videos from the CBOE. Look for the education tabs

Dan Sheridan is a character but he knows options

Below are various links for news, screening, tools, education, etc.

CBOE Products
CBOE Options Hub
CBOE Intra day volume
CBOE Index settlement values
CBOE Volatility Finder
Vix Central
VIX And More
Volatility Lab
FinViz screeners
Stock Spotter screeners
Chart Mill screeners
Past Stat screener
Stock Fetcher
Pitbull Investor screener
The Pattern Site
Sharp Traders patterns
Daytrend Market Stats
TradingView (cool charts)
Free live futures charts
Earnings Whispers
Econoday Global
Reports Calendar
Tasty Trade
The Options Insider
What's Trading?
Unusual option activity
JLN Options News
Zero Hedge
Option Strategist free tools
Option Pit
See It Market
Doc Severson
Video tutorials
Market Taker Blog
Option Slam
Quantifiable Edges
Six Figure Investing
Hamzei Analytics
OptionNet Explorer
OptionNet Explorer help
Greg Harmon
Crosshairs Trader blog
The Options Guide
Shadow Trader
Keybot the Quant
Keystone Speculator
OptionsHawk daily freebies
This used to be Jack Steiman's but I think he retired

This is just information. Use it at your own risk.

gmitch86 atatat yayaya hoohoohoo comcomcom
